Maastricht 2018 L1 local Limburg TV.
L1mbourgeois Jo Cortenraedt (presenter) makes each year a special about the Rieu Maastricht concerts. Please watch the video of July 4th 2018 below. Duration: 20 minutes. Very interesting is an interview with André’s brother: Robert Rieu.
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Video “De Telegraaf”. Mayor of Maastricht Mrs. Annemarie Penn-te Strake shows the Macarena. Interview with Liz Baker en Edwina Morgan (from Australia).
Video L1: July 22, 2018. Interview with Julia McCarthy-Fox (UK) and Kathy Prater (NZ). Interviewer: Alexander Dekkers.
Limburg Radio: André Rieu fans in heart and soul. voice over: Alexander Dekkers. The voice over: He is almost coming…. here on the Vrijthof in Maastricht. Two ladies, from New Zealand and England are waiting in tension. They have no idea what I am saying now…. Although it is the 13th concert, it remains exciting. Tonight is the last concert so we are also a little bit sad, but every concert is different, depending on the audience. Kathy: I love Maastricht, André Rieu and his music, the orchestra. We have a marvelous time here, but of course it costs money. You have to save for it. The flight is the most expensive, then the hotel and compared to the total bill, the concert tickets are the cheapest part. And….. I come in my winter to your fantastic summer!!
We like to thank Sonja Harper (USA) for her assistance with the English translations, while John and Bobbie de Jong are still cruising Europe on vacation.
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