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Our own story Maastricht July 2024.
Tuesday July 2nd, 2024. Day 1 in Maastricht. Ruud and I arrived in Maastricht - Hotel DuCasque - again, but a different room, no Vrijthof view. Our first job is to hang the banners. As we had rainy weather in Holland for almost 6 months, we thought we needed the “Sunshine” banners as a compensation. Wednesday July 3rd, 2024. Day 2 in Maastricht. Roaming around in town during the first days, we bumped into the fans who traveled a long time to attend the Maastricht concerts. We were happy to meet also members of the orchestra, who never refuse to take pictures with fans. In the evening: General Rehearsal on the Vrijthof square in the rain, click HERE.
On June 28th 2024 we welcomed John and Bobbie de Jong (USA) at the Amsterdam Airport Schiphol. A few days needed to settle at their apartment “Home away from Home” in a village at the Northern part of Limburg. They travel each year from California to Maastricht, to visit family and attend the André Rieu concerts. This year for the 18th year in a row!! André started the Vrijthof concerts in 2005.The last concert series before the Corona (Covid-19 virus) lockdown was performed in 2019, including the celebration of the 100th concert on the Vrijthof. So, that makes a total of 15 years. The virus lasted two years. No concerts in 2020 and 2021. In 2022 André was allowed to perform again, also in 2023 and this year July will be the 18th year. Welcome, John and Bobbie!
The Polish fangroup meets Gosia Tarnowski. Pictures with Gosia, Micaëla Oeste and Anna Majchrzak. Fans Jorge and Marisol from Argentina.
Article from “the Limburger”of July 4th 2024 about Justinas Kaunas. Click HERE to read.
Saturday July 6th, 2024: To our surprise, our beloved former JSO soprano Laura Engel visited the fans during the fan picnic. She purchased my book “Music connects people” (about more than 25 years of fan-friendships). We also met her husband Pascal with the children Mateo and Eve in the cargo bike. To read more about the fan picnics: click HERE.
After the fan dinner on July 5th, we were allowed to place cardboard André with his green sash in the hall of our hotel to welcome the guests. One day, when we returned home from the concert at midnight, André was gone! The night porter didn't know anything and we filed a missing person report! A similar case happened some years ago (read my book) and after that, André turned out to be back devastated. This year we had bought a brand new cut-out and now it was gone! To our surprise and relief, it was returned undamaged the next morning! That morning the receptionist had seen an unknown lady exiting the elevator with André and secretly put him back. So... André spent the night with a groupie in a hotel room? What do you think of that? We fancy the headlines in the tabloids! I love those crazy stories and in a while I will have collected so many, that I could write a second book! (No, I won’t do that!). The picture on the left: Cardboard André with Jerom Roosen, our Stiphout party manager at the fan dinner ship.
Sunday, July 7th, 2024. In the fourth concert we met Ulla Rasmussen from Denmark. She travelled to Maastricht many years to attend the concerts. This year she was very sad. She told me that it would be the last year for her to come to Maastricht. Her husband is seriously ill and she also suffers from serious maladies. Poor Ulla. You are a brave woman. We wish you and your husband all the best. Thank you for being a friend for so many years.
Anna Majchrzak, soprano
On Tuesday July 9th, we decided to go sightseeing through Germany (Monschau) and Belgium (Waterfalls of Coo). Our private car is in the hotel Parking. Al Girard (Canada), Edwina and Liz (Australia) loved to join us in our car.
The first stop was at André’s castle, where he had placed a wooden sculpture of d’Artagnan in his yard. According to a legend, the French musketeer ate his last breakfast in André’s castle-kitchen before he died in the battle for his French King to take Maastricht (17th century). Click HERE to read more.
In Monschau we saw a mobile camera team “The Moving City Cam”, driving around. They told us they were recording for healthcare centers. The elderly could then "cycle" through Monschau or other cities at their leisure on an exercise bike, with the images projected. What a fantastic idea to keep the elderly moving. We were impressed! We had not seen this in Holland before!!
We had lunch in Germany and surprising drinks in Belgium: non alcoholic red beer “on the rocks”: Red “Liefmans Mystic” on ice. We had never seen this beer in Holland.
The Belgian Waterfalls of Coo, on a very sunny and hot day!
Wednesday July 10th, was a different story!! On this day our holiday in Maastricht took a completely different turn. At 9 am Heather Jamieson - from New Zealand - knocked on our hotel door, saying: “I think Bill (her husband) just passed away.” Huh?? We just woke up, were not yet dressed, could not believe it. She had already raised the alarm at the receptionist, who immediately had called 112 (your 911). Sirens in the street, two police cars, two ambulances and a fire truck with an aerial platform appeared, to take Bill from their fourth floor balcony room at the Helmstreet side. The Jamiesons had already packed, to start the journey back home. They had to wait half an hour for a taxi and they decided to spend the time by resting on the beds, watching TV in their room. Suddenly Heather noticed that Bill did not respond any more, he had fallen into a coma. She ran to the reception desk and our room to sound the alarm. Bill was rushed to the Maastricht hospital MUMC. We supported Heather at the hospital and spent most of the day there with her. Bill was examined and treated (two bloodcloths removed from his vains). According to the medical staff at the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) they could not do anything more than wait. The next 24 hours were crucial. One of their sons had immediately taken the plane. He was on his way from Sydney, Australia to the Netherlands and would arrive with his wife two days later in Frankfurt, Germany. We hope and pray that everything turns out well. The rest of the day Heather needed to rest. She prefered to be on her own. Since they were about to check out and the room had been rented again, the hotel management arranged a good 3-person room for her at the hotel Bigarré for the coming days. The hotel also took care of the luggage transfer. The picture below: both happy and healthy at their 14th fan dinner on July 5th. Bill was not ill, no sign that something was wrong. We still cannot believe what happened. We were in shock. We knew that this holiday would be "different", but we couldn't have guessed that such a drama would happen.
Wednesday evening: What a wierd day! Dinner with Al Girard at his Hotel/restaurant “de La Bourse” and watching the semi finals of the European Soccer Championships: Holland - England. Especially for this day, Canadian Al purchased an orange shirt, to cheer for Holland! To our sadness the Dutch team lost with 1-2. No finals anymore! Our emotions here in Maastricht go in all directions!
Thursday, July 11th. We spent most of the day with Heather in the hospital. The sedation had been stopped and slowly Bill was expected to wake up. We saw some small improvements (eye movements). Another brain check today, to find out the damage. Their son Hamish and his wife Fiona were in the plane on their way to Holland. Expected arrival in Frankfurt, Germany, tomorrow. Ruud and Heather would pick them up from the airport (a three hour drive from Maastricht and the same time back). The same distance counts for Maastricht - Amsterdam airport. The doctors already said that Bill’s brain activity was low.
In the afternoon we relaxed with the former night porter of Hotel DuCasque: Jos Jacobs. We drank white wine in historic glasses with the logo of the hotel. Jos informed us about the history of the monumental hotel DuCasque. He worked there for 38 years!! On our way to Maastricht, on July 2nd, we also visited Vito, the receptionist who currently is at home due to bad health. Jos and Vito are friends forever and both are very dear to us. We are in this hotel for the 18th year. (15 concert series before 2 years of Covid lockdown, and three thereafter).
In Monschau I saw a dog that caught my attention. He was the spitting image of the Egyptian sacred dog ANUBIS, in the color of bronze. It looked like a sculpture. The owners did not know about Egyptian history… It was a hairless dog without fur. Very special!! We had a great day, with great company, having been in the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium in one afternoon!
Friday, July 12th. Ruud took Heather in our car to Frankfurt airport (Germany), to pick up Hamish and Fiona from Sydney, Australia. After arrival, Ruud drove them straight to the hospital. Today our daughter Irene came from Zutphen (town) to spend a nice day together in Maastricht, with a dinner and attending the concert. Ruud didn't make it to be back for dinner. He didn't get back until 8 pm, an hour before the concert started. But Heather now had her family with her in the hospital. And Ruud delivered their luggage at the Bigarré hotel.
The day before, Ruud had received a present at the hotel from someone he did not know. There was a note: for Ruud and Ineke, from Mary from London. I know of 10 Marys, but no image came to mind. When I was walking through the city with Irene, a lady I didn't know, spoke to me. She turned out to be the Mary from London. How is it possible? I didn't know her but she knew everything about us, through our website.
Saturday, July13th. Returning to our hotel after the usual Saturday fan picnic, we received Heather’s message that Bill had passed away with his family by his side. “It has been hard, but with the help, caring and love of you folk and many others, it has made me feel a whole lot better.
In the meantime… We had invited one of Ruud’s colleagues and his wife to watch the concert from our room. Ruud is retired, but still works 2 days a week. His colleagues don't understand why Ruud goes to the Rieu event every year. At midnight they were stunned!! So, now they understand!!!
But I have fallen apart today; I guess that is natural. We are upset of course, but knew it was ineffable, he wasn't going to get any better. Love, Heather, Hamish & Fiona Jamieson”. We agreed to meet each other Sunday morning in their hotel for coffee and conversation.
On Sunday morning July 14th, the Jamieson family informed us about their plans for the coming days. To their opinion the best solution would be to have Bill cremated here and have the urn with ashes sent to Sydney, where he will be interred in a private chapel. This was already arranged six years ago. We got a brainwave! We know that hard-core fan Hanne Jäger from Germany, owns a funeral company just across the border and we messaged her for information. She was immediately willing to help. She often does business in the Netherlands. It turned out that she was in Maastricht and the conversations were held within an hour on the terrace of the Vogelstruys (café). She would take over the organisation to prepare the cremation, doing phone calls, the required paperwork, and let us know on Monday.
What a strange year this is! I cannot believe it. It is a roller-coaster of emotions. On Sunday afternoon we were in Heerlerheide (district of the town of Heerlen), where the Falize family band “Tyroleans Without Mountains” performed.
We were there with Liz and Edwina from Australia, eating “Kibbeling” (fish nuggets) and big icecreams.
Sunday evening we invited Heather, Hamish and Fiona in our hotel room to enjoy the view. Heather had never been before in our room. So, she had never seen the view and she wanted to climb the 20 steps with her painful knees… to be with us this evening to enjoy the concert again. Perhaps reality has not yet fully set in for Heather and the blow will still come in Sydney, but we (and the family) think it is better that she fills her thoughts with music. As the Maestro says: “Music has a healing power.” Hamish, who is a police officer in Sydney, was astounded, never had experienced anything like this before. He invited us for dinner at “Vrijthof 9” tomorrow, which was Bill and Heather’s favorite restaurant and entrepreneur Bèr Rekko became a friend.
Monday, July 15th. Hanne had done a great job! Tomorrow a funeral car transfers Bill’s body from the morgue of the hospital to the Crematorium “La Grand Suisse” in the outskirts of Maastricht. It is not yet known when the cremation takes place. A memorial service will occur in Sydney, as arranged by them already 6 years ago, not here.
Tuesday, July 16th. Heather received a token of sympathy from André, Marjorie and Pierre. It made her very happy. Bill is in the Crematorium now. We are waiting for more information. More paperwork needs to be done (also between here and Sydney) and a death declaration must be filed with the municipality of Maastricht.
Ever seen before? A shining Mojito.
Thursday, July 4, 2024: FIRST CONCERT Click HERE for the concerts page
Friday, July 5, 2024. Fandinner with 29 fans, on the Stiphout ship, click HERE
Merchandise in the book stores and tourist office. We translated a few articles and posted them on our website too, click HERE.
Last week we sponsored the traditional Duck Race in the Jeker river of Maastricht, by buying 5 ducks. They did not swim fast enough to win. But no one can beat the violin playing Duck! (on sale in the Rubber Duck Store, Nieuwstraat 22).
On Monday, July 8th, after the first 4 concerts had been finished, we took a lazy day to rest and did some computer-work in the hotel room. As already said: due to miscommunication, we could not have “our” roof apartment room with a view, for the first series of 4 concerts. That had never happened before in all 18 years that we have stayed in this room for three weeks, covering all Vrijthof concerts. This year we had to improvise and were able to move to our “own” room on Wednesday.
Exploring four watermills in the area around Nuenen / Eindhoven. Our famous painter Vincent van Gogh lived here and painted several of the watermills. With Liz and Edwina from Australia.
Wednesday July 17th. Farewell dinner at the family Choy’s restaurant “La Chine”. (Market square). Hamish and Fiona fly back to Sydney tomorrow morning. On the picture: Various Chinese dishes and Lily in the middle.
Wednesday, July 17th. After the official formalities were completed at the Maastricht townhall, we continued our sightseeing plans. In the meantime Hamish and Fiona organized their return trip for tomorrow. Heather would stay until July 22nd. That's her own choice. She and Bill made this trip 14 times. She is convinced that she can do it alone. ARP gave her 3 free tickets for the Thursday concert. They agreed she could use them for us to accompany her, since her son and his wife had departed.
Hanne personally drove Bill to the Crematorium in her company car. Date of cremation: July 20th. Official cause of death: heart attack.
Thursday, July 18th. Walking through the city to see if the redesign of the Wycker Bazaar (or Wycker Kwartier) foodcourt has already started. But first coffee in the “Piepenhoes” café and our favorite pastry here: gooseberry meringue vlaai (cake).
Look here! André’s sculpture is still here in storage. Click HERE for the story on our website.
Vrijthof 9.
The municipality of Maastricht is watering the hanging baskets like this. We sent a request to the local prosecutor to release Bill’s ashes earlier than the legally required 4 weeks and he immediately sent us his permission- stamp on the document.
Creative idea by the Vrijthof entrepreneurs! Every now and then they fly a fake bird of prey, to chase the pigeons from the trees. Otherwise, guests might find something extra in their lunch….
The Dutch Tyrolean party band, by the Falize family and friends.
Enjoying the concert from our free VIP seats!!
Heather loved the backdrop with the rural Limburg landscape so much. She also knew the music for Bill’s cremation service in Sydney: “Nearer my God to thee….” by André Rieu of course.
Friday, July 19th, we took Heather on a sightseeing trip through rural Limburg and the popular border triangle with Germany and Belgium, in the town of Vaals. She had never been there before. Picture on the left: Ineke is in the Netherlands, Heather is in Belgium and Ruud in Germany. Picture on the right: The highest “mountain” of the Netherlands is the “Vaalserberg”, 322 m. above sea level.
In the meantime we noticed again that cut-out André had fallen to his knees. The cardboard support work on the back had snapped. What's happening anyway in the hotel hall?? Ruud fixed it in our room.
Saturday, July 20, 2024. Heather and Ruud have been back and forth to the Crematorium to handle the financial side, since they do not want to wait for the New Zealand insurance company. The final hurdle has now been taken to get Bill's ashes released for transport. The option to take the urn containing Bill's ashes herself, was accepted by Heather. It is a miracle that we could realize this within 10 days. Bill died on July 13th and the urn with ashes could be taken away on July 22nd, provided with all required official documents. That is unusually fast for Holland. Thanks to Hanne and the authorities who provided great cooperation.
Sunday, July 21st 2024. Today we said goodbye to Heather in the quiet and peaceful surroundings of the historic Maastricht inner harbor “’t Bassin”. She is very thankful for all the support she received from the fans, hotel managements, Medical staff and authorities, to make it possible for her to bring back Bill’s ashes herself. “Heather, thank you very much for your lovely card and present. We were happy to support you. That’s what friends are for. We wish you all the best. We stay in touch”. Ruud and Ineke.
Already in September 2023 we had the feeling that our annual stay in Maastricht in July 2024 would be "different". 1. On the day and time of the start of ticket sales for the first weekend in July, we were only able to get to section C3 (far in the back and even the very last row!). All the better seats seemed to have already been sold out. Within one second??? 2. When we confirmed our reservation for the room at Hotel DuCasque which we did last year, it turned out that it had already been booked by others, as well as all other rooms with a view. (Miscommunication of the hotel). Conclusion in September 2023: no room with a view and one worst possible concert ticket. It was difficult to think of alternatives, because everything was sold out; concert tickets and hotel accommodation as well. That is usual in Maastricht in July when André performs. We have never been so disappointed! 3. We hoped that surplus concert tickets would be offered on our website under the section Ticket Mediation Service, as was done successfully every year. But no, there were hardly any tickets offered. 4. The minimum number of participants for the annual fan dinner on the Stiphout ship is 25 participants. Only 29 fans registered, the fewest in 18 years (We once had a record of 160 participants!). 5. The Vrijthof webcam was permanently turned off following one complaint of violation of privacy law. How is that possible? There are many webcams in every city! We wondered, "What is going on, making everything different from previous years?" In April 2024 we released our own book, titled: “Music connects people”, containing a review on 25 years of André Rieu fan friendships all over the world, click HERE. I stopped writing in 2022/23 just after the two years of Covid-19 (corona virus), worldwide lockdown. At that time we already noticed that everything had changed. Well, we had mixed feelings for 2024. We might discover the answer in Maastricht.
MESSAGE TO THE FANS, by Heather Jamieson. “Dear friends of the Harmony Parlor group on Facebook. As I leave Maastricht with a heavy heart, I just want to thank you all for your messages of love and support that you have shown me since Bill's passing. Ineke, Ruud, you have been my rock and I shall always remember all that you have done for me. Also Hanne, for taking care of Bill's destiny: many thanks. André, Marjorie, Pierre, who have brought much happiness to Bill and my lives, thank you for the music, the flowers, tickets and amazing support. My hope is that I can return to Maastricht again soon. It was Bill's happy place. Wonderful memories. Grateful thanks and love, Heather".
Monday, July 22nd, 2024: On the last day in Maastricht Ruud gave me a present in a big white envelope. To my surprise and joy, Ruud managed to have my book (the Dutch version) signed by André. Wow! How wonderful! I am very happy! It felt like a wonderful grand finale after all the ups and downs of these three weeks in Maastricht. So, Kevin Johnson, you are no longer the only fan in the world with André’s autograph in my book!! We checked out and were about to leave, when we had another problem to solve. Due to battery problems we couldn't drive away! We had to call the KIA rescue service! Sorry Hotel DuCasque, we blocked your hotel garage entrance for an hour. The last problem was solved. Bye bye Maastricht. This was the end of the most emotional Maastricht stay we have ever experienced.
Maastricht chocolate “punekes” (kisses) for you, from us. On sale: Chocolaterie DARQ, Smedenstraat 2, Maastricht.
Everything has an end. Yes, no, yes, no, YES!!!!
In response to our question why we see fewer participants at our fan meetings every year, we realized that the AR Travel team is offering more and more attractive events to fans. From guided VIP tours to dinner- /lodging-/ticket-packages, with a waiting list for fans who still want to buy concert tickets. We think that's the reason why our “spare ticket mediation service” stayed empty this year. The Travel team (about 15 people) works professionally and has a lot to offer. Maybe it's time for us to stop organizing fan gatherings. No problem, we are aging too… The downside I can think of, is that the fans no longer get to know each other in large numbers, so that the "family feeling" among the fans, which I describe in my book, will die out. Yet this mutual involvement among the fans has proven to be extremely useful again this year. Every coin always has a downside. But times are changing. We’ll see what the future will bring. Que sera, sera. Ruud and Ineke. -0-0-0-0-
Heather arrived at Sydney on Thursday 25th. The journey went without any problems. She is now temporarily staying with her children in Sydney and together they are preparing the ceremony for the interment of the urn in the columbarian wall, on August 2nd 2024. The next day she sent us photos and videos and the words: “It was a very fitting tribute to Bill. He would have been well pleased”. Her journey back home to New Zealand is booked on August 12.
Hamish's colleagues from the motorcycle brigade of the Sydney police, formed a guard of honour.
The same day, on August 2nd, we commemorated Bill at home in The Hague, NL. We raised our glasses with the whiskey given to us by the Jamiesons.