Maastricht Vrijthof Webcam Located on the balcony room at hotel DuCasque.
Can you see the camera?? “’t Piepenhoes” is a very nice restaurant with an outside café terrace along the river Meuse. They are well-known for their delicious gooseberry merengue ”vlaai” (pastry). Next time we can watch you having coffee and vlaai!
Since January 2022 there is a second webcam online, overlooking the Vrijthof Square from the side. Powered by www.webcam-maastricht.nl Click on the picture below. From here you can switch between the Vrijthof side webcam and the Maasboulevard webcam, (and St. Servaas Bridge). Gorgeous images!
Click on the picture above.
Watch the camera on the balcony room of Hotel DuCasque.
During a visit to Maastricht we looked for the webcam that should be attached to a facade along the side of the Vrijthof square. We found it attached to the roof window of the building on Vrijthof 10 (Mediterranian restaurant Luster (opened in 2021).
This Vrijthof webcam is powered by NetcamViewer. E-mail: Support@NetcamViewer.nl -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-
A third Maastricht webcam shows images of the Maasboulevard and the St. Servaas bridge. Also powered by www.webcam-maastricht.nl Click on the picture. Then you can switch between images of the Vrijthof and the Meuse boulevard, The St Servaas bridge, locally called the ‘aw brögk’ or translated: “Old Bridge’. The camera is attached to the façade of café-restaurant “The Piepenhoes”.
If there is a malfunction, please report to the Netcam Viewer, via e-mail address below.