Anna Majchrzak Soprano, page 1.
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In May 2019 Anna released her first CD, together with piano player and organist Arjan Breukhoven, titled: Songs of Fantasy. On Saturday July 6th, 2019, during a “Meet and Greet” at “Jouw Marktkraam” shop, Jodenstraat 32, (next to the Tourist Office) in Maastricht, fans can buy her CD and have it signed by Anna. Watch the video below to hear an impression of the CD.
2015: This is what André Rieu wrote on his website to introduce Anna: Anna Majchrzak. When I saw Anna for the first time, I thought that a fairy-tale princess had come into the studio. When it also transpired that she could sing, then I knew it: I would take this lady along on tour! Anna grew up with a brother and two sisters in Rotterdam. It soon became clear that Anna was the most musical member of the family. Her Polish father has always been a great fan of his musical daughter, and wished that his children would later find work which they would enjoy doing. And that has succeeded! She immediately felt at home in the cosy JSO. For her, our bus trips feel like a luxurious version of the long journeys to Poland that she used to make regularly with her family. Anna lives with her husband in Rotterdam. It will not surprise you that this musical lady also chose a singer for spouse!
In May 2019 she was 5 months pregnant.
To watch what the 2018 Meet and Greets were about, click HERE.
In July 2019, during the series of 12 André Rieu concerts in Maastricht, Anna Majchrzak gave a meet and greet for the fans. Click HERE for a photo impression.
July 2019, 7 months pregnant.
Anna told us that the baby (expected in September) will be a girl. On the meet and greet in July 2019 the fans gave her presents for the baby.
In October 2019 Anna announced the birth of her daughter Julia Flora Joanne Spoeltman, on September 18th 2019. Congratulations to Anna and her husband and welcome to the world, baby Julia.
December 10, 2019. Wonderful to see pictures from the German Program (ZDF) “Leute Heute” of December 10th 2019, of Anna Majchrzak and her baby Julia. Anna will be present again at the Christmas concerts in Maastricht and she was in the studio for the rehearsal. André asked her: ”Shall I hold the baby while you are singing?”
December 21, 2019. For the first time three Christmas concerts took place in the MECC in Maastricht. Anna Majchrzak sang “Walking in the air” and looked like a real Christmas angel. In front of the screen you may see the show skaters of team Illumination. To watch more of the Christmas concerts, click HERE, The photo was made by Jeannette Heijkoop (NL).
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May 20, 2020. No touring with André Rieu, due to the Corona virus. Anna Majchrzak (soprano) and her husband Vincent Spoeltman (bariton), accompanied by Arjan Breukhoven, piano. Love duets. Live Facebook performance from “’t Manneke” in Berkel en Rodenrijs.
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On December 20, 2020. Anna, her husband Vincent Spoeltman and pianist Arjan Breukhoven, gave an online Christmas concert from the church of Berkel and Rodenrijs (village in Holland).
December 10, 2021. From “Algemeen Dagblad”, by Yvonne Keunen. Photo by Jan Kok. This is Anna, André Rieu's fairytale princess: 'I was in the seventh heaven' When 'the King of the Waltz' first saw her, André Rieu thought he was seeing a fairytale princess. In the meantime Anna Majchrzak has been touring the world with the famous violinist and his orchestra for six years. Last weekend they were able to perform for the first time again in corona time. Four times in Lisbon. “I was in the seventh heaven.” That a soprano, happened to live in the Opera named quarter of Capelle (near Rotterdam), is hardly a coincidence. But nothing is further from the truth. "My in-laws already lived here," says Anna, who six years ago exchanged her hometown of Rotterdam for “Capelle aan den IJssel”. But above all, there was a house for sale with a spacious attic which could be soundproofed. So that Anna doesn't need to back off for the neighbors when she sings at home. Her mother always says she sang before she spoke. It was therefore not surprising that at the age of 11 she started singing with the “Maasstedelijk Girls Choir.” Attendance at The Rotterdam Conservatory was as predicted. But even then it was hard work to arrive to where she is now. "I'm not a natural singer, I had to put a lot of effort in to it . But singing has brought me a lot.” Fortunate. The fact that she ended up with André Rieu, she calls that fortunate. "I sang freelance with the Dutch National Opera and someone in the audition committee was involved with the André Rieu's Vrijthof concerts. He tipped him off about me when he needed someone.” They clicked, a premise for Rieu in hiring someone for his traveling musical caravan of roughly a hundred orchestra members, singers and stage builders. "All those people really enjoy working for André Rieu. And for that you are also being selected. Because you should not only radiate positivity to the audience, but you also spend a lot of time together on the bus or at the table. We are a big family actually.” Officially she started as a substitute, but now she is one of the regular soloists in the shows with which Rieu has been having uninterrupted success with the lovers of popular classical works for the past thirty years. Until corona came and show after show had to be canceled. A quiet period in which Rieu immersed himself into baking cakes and Anna once again focused on the small, classical concerts she did after graduating with a pianist or harpist. “After all, I am classically trained.” Finally the princess dress came out of the closet. The four sold-out shows in Lisbon last weekend were the first in twenty months. In Portugal, the corona figures are lower than in the Netherlands. “There, 98 percent of people over 12 have been vaccinated. The Portuguese also wear their face masks very faithfully," says Anna. So for the Altice Arena, her white princess dress could finally come out of the closet again and the classical repertoire was alternated again with lighter works such as musicals. The audience was wildly enthusiastic. And while walking through Lisbon, she was recognized by a little girl who attended the concert with her parents the night before. "In the eyes of children, I really am a princess," she says with a laugh. That she was recognized by a fan is actually exceptional. "Everyone knows André Rieu, but I can walk around anonymously. I don't mind that at all.” It is tough to keep up with Rieu and his entourage. Because she has to make sure that she is always healthy, fit and mentally strong. "I also do strength training for a reserve dose of energy, because you need that also when you have a family." But is happy to do that. "André Rieu is 72 years old and I don't know how long he can keep this busy life style going. But fortunately he is very fit and wants to continue for years to come.”
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