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Frank Steijns violin, piano, bells (page 11).
Congratulations!!! Frank on Facebook: On June 15, 1994, exactly thirty years ago today, everyone thought I was crazy: I gave up my secure job at the music school to sign an uncertain contract with a Maastricht artist, with the only guarantee that he had resolved to conquer the world with him. The rest, as they say, is history. Literal. Let's try to list everything: about 3,600 concerts (and the same number of times the Radetzky March and Blue Danube) played for a live audience of more than 25,000,000 people. Celebrated world tours with the Mobile Carillon that was specially designed for this purpose. I wrote out 400 arrangements and compositions, and drove about 450,000 km up and down myself to combine everything with my beloved carillons. But above all, I enjoyed it a lot! Seeing happy people enjoying music, evening after evening, seeing miracles happen (people jumping out of their wheelchairs to their own surprise) and occasionally seeing world peace develop between thousands of completely different people, but connected by music. Made lifelong friendships and met Madieke, the love of my life. And this is just the beginning because as André just said: On to the next thirty years! We're going to experience it. Thank you André, we keep going!!
Frank and Madieke in Oslo, June 2024.
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Article from: “Neighborhood network Wyckerpoort”; section “special neighbors” September 11, 2024 Translation: Ineke, edited by John. Madieke and Frank, musical top athletes ‘How incredibly beautiful this is’ In ‘Special neighbors’ this time Madieke Marjon Schoots and Frank Steijns. A "set" and both affiliated with the Johann Strauss Orchestra. In their house on “de Groene Loper” (The "Green Carpet," a new district in Maastricht), they bundle an impressive mountain of musicality which they share just as easily with the children in Wyckerpoort (a district in Maastricht) as with tens of thousands of concertgoers from all over the world on the Vrijthof. Madieke sings as a classically trained mezzo-soprano in the choir of the orchestra. Frank is first violinist and arranger. He does not always play the first "fiddle" violin at home, as is evident from the story about their move to Wyckerpoort. Madieke: ‘We had been looking for another house in Maastricht for a long time. That always went wrong. You think you know all of Funda (site for houses for sale), but I had not thought of new construction. In the end, I registered us for four new-build homes. During a tour, I received a phone call from the real estate agent at the airport. At that time, Frank didn't know anything about anything. Right there, on the spot we had to make a quick decision based on photos on the iPhone screen. Shot The most important thought while in the departure hall: will there be enough room for the musical ambitions? That turned out to be the case "and so, suddenly we had a house," Madieke recalls. On the ground floor she has her room with a grand piano, where she gives singing lessons. On the top floor Frank rehearses, composes and arranges (also for André Rieu) on the electric piano. After two years, the quick decision at the airport turned out to be a direct hit: "I have never lived anywhere with so much pleasure, this is the first time I feel like I am really coming home," says Frank. "From our balcony we have very nice contact with the neighbours on the Old Hickoryplein, more contact even than with others on the Groene Loper." Top sport Coming home with pleasure is not a superfluous luxury for those who travel so much with the André Rieu's orchestra. And these are certainly not holiday trips. The journeys are tough due to jet lag and the countless hours of waiting at the airport. And then there is also the physical exertion during the performances. Madieke: "Singing is sports. You are really performing during a concert. I train my technique, conveying emotion and my endurance. I think my vocal fitness has improved by 400 percent because of the Rieu concerts. Very occasionally during a concert you have time for such a moment when you realize how incredibly beautiful this is. That we can make so many people happy. That radiates through in the audience.’ In addition to the physical exertion, plenty of attention is asked during the concert. Frank: ‘You constantly have your feelers out to 60 others in the orchestra. That is very difficult but when you can do it together it is great". At the Market Square Madieke and Frank are very happy being a part of the Johann Strauss Orchestra. The mutual bond is praised and their wedding is a good example. During the second corona lockdown, Madieke and Frank were married in the carillon room of the Maastricht city hall. Downstairs, a few guests were able to follow the ceremony on a video screen. The newly married couple thought that with this the entourage was complete. Until a glance from the carillon room revealed that the members of the orchestra were standing on the Market Square with a glass of bubbles and balloons. Of course with an appropriate corona distance from each other. Very privileged When it comes to André Rieu's success ('30 million concertgoers in 33 years, a quarter of a billion views on YouTube') Frank points to the unique Rieu cocktail. "André does it in his very own unique way. He offers a bit of nostalgia with the music, he takes the audience back in time. You can also see that the repertoire shifts with the age of the audience." It is a very professional, unequalled cocktail of accessible classical, and pop with a smooth Maastricht touch. Madieke and Frank take great pleasure in their shared love for music: "I wish it for everyone, music. But especially if you make music yourself. We've both worked hard for it, but we realize that we are very privileged." More than members of that famous orchestra Madieke gives singing lessons and during the corona era founded the group "VerrasSing" with Rieu colleagues Christina Petrou and Joline Soomers. From the parking lots, they provided window concerts for residents in isolation at dozens of homes, sometimes also with accompaniment by Frank on the piano. ‘That gave me so much satisfaction, that we continued singing together." Frank is the city carillonneur with a modern twist of Maastricht, Heerlen and Weert. In July 2024, he accompanied James Blunt on the carillon of Weert in honor of Bospop Festival during the performance of the song "Bonfire heart." He is also project leader of "Toekomstmuziek, violen op school" (Future Music, violins at school) based on an idea by André Rieu and paid for by him and the Elisabeth Strouven-Fund. Seventy pupils from primary schools, including “De Letterdoes” (primary school), learn to play the violin. Frank: ‘Difficult? Why should I underestimate those children? When you see how much talent lives in this district. That's really awesome." With 40 minutes of lessons per week the children learn to play an instrument and work together during school hours: "Because you really have to do this together, otherwise it won't work. And I see how the children go along with it, they like it." Madieke: "Very seldom during a concert do you have time for such a moment when you realise: how incredibly beautiful this is. All those happy people in the audience."' Frank: "When you see how much talent lives in this neighbourhood. That's really awesome." Madieke and Frank's taste in music Mezzo-soprano Madieke: "Music with beautiful melodies, a nice rhythm. I really love opera and musicals. I notice that as a singer I often listen professionally." Musically multi-talented Frank: "I was very much raised with classical music. But I also enjoy heavy metal, I played "Ace of space" by Motörhead on the carillon. Or like the other day with James Blunt "Bonfire heart." Who would you like to perform with? Madieke: "With mezzo-soprano Cecilia Bartoli." Frank: "With Sting”. (André Rieu: with “Bruce Springsteen)"
September 2024: Touring the South American continent. Sanctuary of the Immaculate Conception Frank and Madieke visit the Statue of the Virgin Mary on San Christóbal Hill in Santiago de Chile.
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